Our vision for the Ilenge Football Association is for it to unite the community against all forms of social ills in the celebration of sport and to bring about peace and wholesome community life to the people of Msinga and their larger community.


  • Peace and Stability
  • Promotion of Unity
  • Socio-economic growth
  • Engulfing human rights and dignity


  • To foster peace and collaboration through the engagement of various sporting codes in tournaments that will bring together the community and encourage unity.

  • To provide a network of various agencies; local, national and global to the systematic movement towards Social Investment opportunities and objectives.

  • To improve social cohesion, nation building and the quality of life especially to people living in rural areas by transference of the have to the have-nots, resources to the less-resources, and educated to the less-educated.

  • To facilitating appropriate resources to enable high levels of access and community participation.

  • To enable identification and nurturing of talents and skills in our community as a means of raising the standard of living to many who are impoverished.

  • To teach, to train, and to capacitate in various life skills and wholeness community development thus raising the standard of living through mental and academic empowerment.

  • To offer alternative conflict management strategies and management systems that are inherent of the history and culture of the community.


  • To ensure that the Ilenge future stars, regardless of the level at which they participate; have access to quality of sport development and talent promotion.

  • To have football intervention that aims creating unity and peace through sport.

  • To unearth undiscovered sporting talent and to nurture it to the highest possible level.

  • To contribute to a healthy community by promoting healthy lifestyle programmes.

  • To use multi-sport activities along with a methodology that combines the development of life skills with the promotion of peaceful coexistence, to enhance social cohesion and prevent violence among children and the community.

  • To use sport as a means to strengthen resilience, especially among young people, who typically face barriers to social integration for financial, social or geographical reasons, and who are thus likely to become violent.

  • To reduce incidences of violence in Msinga communities by implementing sports-based development programme for “at-risk” young people.

  • To realise the potential of young people in communities affected by crime, violence and social exclusion through sport.

  • Building unity and social cohesion